Page 3 - Do You Want to Make Friends—or Make Money?
P. 3

•   Networking. Another area where the desire to be liked can easily interfere with becoming
                       wealthier  is  networking.  A  large  percentage  of  self-made  millionaires  can  attribute  a
                       substantial portion of their success to their ability to connect with others and leverage
                       those relationships. They concentrate on building relationships that have the capacity
                       to open doors as well as supply resources and clients. There has to be some minimal
                       chemistry  between  the  parties,  of  course,  but  the  people  in  self-made  millionaires’
                       networks are the ones who can deliver results—not necessarily people they are looking
                       to for long-term friendships.

                       The  fact  is,  most  business  relationships  are  situational  and  will  dissipate  once  the
                       business connection is gone. And yet, many people want everyone they are dealing with
                       to like them—an attitude that is frequently, if not habitually, antithetical to making money.

                   Think about it: Consider your own history. It’s probably pretty easy to identify more than a
                   few situations where you were being needlessly nice to other people—staff, vendors—and
                   it cost you monetarily.

                   Advice: Get comfortable with making enemies

                   Sometimes your journey up the financial ladder goes beyond simply not making friends—it
                   means making enemies along the way. This is often an outcome of significant success, so be
                   ready for some new enemies if you pursue big business results intently.

                   Indeed, proportionately more people who are wealthy make enemies. As you accumulate
                   more wealth, it’s very likely you’ll make more enemies than the average (less wealthy) person.

                   This makes sense when you think about it. As self-made millionaires create personal fortunes,
                   they’re very likely to have more and more people approach them with demands, requests
                   and proposals. The logic behind this is straightforward: The wealthy person has financial and
                   professional resources these other people want to access and leverage.

                   As  the  demands,  requests  and  various  proposals  multiply,  the  self-made  millionaire  is
                   not going to have the bandwidth to deal with them all. (The triage process alone is sure
                   to annoy or anger some of the people making requests.) The result: enemies. When self-
                   made millionaires discount or disregard others’ requests, the rejected commonly see this
                   as evidence of the entrepreneurs’ self-centeredness, callousness, arrogance, insensitivity,
                   conceit and haughtiness.

                   Other factors also may result in people seeing those with wealth in a disparaging light, of
                   course. But often the very process of personal wealth creation perpetuates and enhances
                   their negative image.

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