Page 5 - CEG Advantage - The Super Rich Stress Test - February 2018
P. 5

•   Calculate cost structure. The intent here is to identify the best and most cost-effective
                       solution  possible.  When  calculating  cost  structures,  all  the  expenses  should  be
                       specified—including long-term costs.
                   Based  on  the  stress  test’s  evaluation  of  the  existing  or  proposed  solutions,  alternative
                   products  or  services  might  be  considered.  It  can  be  very  useful  to  do  side-by-side
                   comparisons between such alternatives and the solutions being considered or currently
                   used, asking questions like:

                   •   How do the assumptions compare?

                   •   How do the alternatives rate when it comes to achieving the individual’s or family’s goals
                       and objectives?

                   •   Which solutions are more cost-effective?

                   The end result of the process: recommendations. Based on those recommendations, there
                   are five courses of action to consider taking (see Exhibit 4).

                                                          EXHIBIT 4
                                                     Courses of Action
                     Course of action                           Critical factors

                     Stay the course                            The solutions are appropriate

                     Choose different solutions                 A “system fail”

                     Choose a different professional            The solutions are appropriate except
                                                                that the providers are not truly capable
                                                                and/or are cost-inefficient

                     Use a modified approach with               A little tweaking is required
                     the original professional

                     Continue stress testing                    A different professional should
                                                                conduct the stress test

                   1.  If the stress testing finds the solutions being used or proposed to be on target and of
                       high quality, the recommended action is to “stay the course.

                   2.  If the stress testing finds what may be described as a system failure—for instance, the
                       financial products being used are not going to achieve the desired results and might
                       even blow up—the right move is to take a different course of action.

                   3.  If the solutions are appropriate but the professionals involved are really not up to the
                       task of implementing them (or they charge too much money), it will usually make sense
                       to switch to more capable and/or cost-effective experts.

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